“Five Cent a Spot” Unauthorized Lodgings in a Bayard Street Tenement. Via Preus Museum
“One of four Pedlars Who Slept in the Celler of 11 Ludlow Street Rear.” Via Preus Museum
“Elizabeth Street Police Station-Womans Lodgers.” Via Preus Museum
“A Class in the Condemned Essex Market School, With the Gas Burning by Day.” Via Preus Museum
“Bohemian Cigarmakers at work in their Tenement.” Via Preus Museum
“Shoemaker Working in a house in the Yard of 219 Broome Street, Which the Landlord Built When the Sanitary Police Put him out of the Basement. Clatterpol Sticks Up Through his House. Rent $ 12 a Month.” Via Preus Museum
In Poverty Gap, an English Coal-Heaver`s Home. Via Preus Museum