Camp David- Jimmy Carter, Menachem Begin, and Anwar Sadat

Camp David, Menachem Begin, and Anwar Sadat, 1978, Wikimedia,,_Menachem_Begin,_Anwar_Sadat,_1978.jpg.

(FILES) File photo dated 06 September 1978 shows Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat (L) shaking hands with Israeli Premier Menachem Begin (R) as US President Jimmy Carter looks at Camp David, the US presidential retreat in Maryland. Israel and Egypt went on 26 March, 1979 to sign a historic US-sponsored peace accord, which is still in effect today. Jimmy Carter won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize 11 October, 2002. Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize award coincides with the 20th anniversary of the non-profit-making Carter Center, which bears his name. Under the slogan “Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope”, the Atlanta-based center has diligently carried out missions around the globe, concentrating on human rights and democracy, resolving conflicts as well as getting involved in health-oriented aid projects. EPA PHOTO/WHITE HOUSE